Dan Lahren

Dan Lahren was born in the great western town of Livingston, Montana in 1955. When he was in 7th grade the local fishing icon, Dan Bailey, gave him a fly rod which cemented his life long love affair with fishing and the local waters around the Yellowstone river. Between the ages of 3 and 10 his family traveled often and he found himself in eleven different schools. At the age of 12, he was living alone in the Murray hotel, downtown Livingston. His parent’s marriage had crashed. The railroad which passed through town was a major station connecting the midwest to the west coast. Naturally there was discord between the railroad kids and the locals, and fighting became common. Dan grew up hard and fast. He spent his early adult life chasing many occupations in the north west, but Livingston was in his DNA and he returned to his roots in 1981. He refined a life of fishing and hunting, cooking became an art form and he gravitated to many well know writers and actors who also found a life in the valley. Among others he eventually became great friends with Jim Harrison and Anthony Bourdain. Their passing hurt deeply, but Dan's stories of them fills him with joy. Lahren is a wealth of knowledge, has a great sense of humor, and has earned a voice to be listened to.